The effect of dietary diacylglycerols on postprandial lipemia compared to triacylglycerols in college aged males and females

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Life Sciences | Nutrition


Amy Olson, Nutrition


Elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood following a meal [referred to as postprandial lipemia] is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. Diacylglycerols appear to reduce the postprandial response in older, hyperlipemic, male populations. In this study, twenty one college students (2 male, 19 female) consumed cake with 20g of diacylglycerols (Enova oil) on one occasion and 20g of triacylglycerols (Canola oil) on another. Initial fasting triglycerides were determined and then at 2, 3, and 4 hours post consumption. Our results show no statistically significant difference in serum triglyceride response between the oils. From our understanding, this is the first study of the effect of diacylglyerols on the post consumption serum triglyceride response in college students.
