An Analysis of the situation of the Deaf in Latin America: Guidelines for foreign Collaboration

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Arts and Humanities | Latin American Languages and Societies


Nelsy Echávez-Solano, Spanish


The ignorance that exists in Latin America related to the topic of the deaf has contributed to an environment of discrimination. Being deaf does not reflect negatively on one's intelligence; the deaf can enjoy a normal life: they can get married, go to college and have a satisfying career. However, a lack of education and of family support has limited the potential of many deaf people. In addition, in the legal arena, it has been difficult for the deaf to prosecute those who have violated their rights given the fact that many of the laws that are meant to protect the deaf are unenforceable. Consequently, the deaf have had to create their own organizations to fight for their rights, and to begin a new and better era for this community. The discrimination today is less than it was before yet if people want to help improve this situation, they should remember to work with and not for the deaf because too many volunteers have tried to help without involving the community.
