Education Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2024
(Article) Introduction to Special Issue on Intercultural Development in Teacher Education: Sustaining Momentum for Study Abroad and Virtual Exchange Innovation, Adriana L. Medina and Allison J. Spenader
Submissions from 2023
(Article) Dual Vocations of Science and Religion: A Historical Case Study of Benedictine Women, Diana Fenton
Submissions from 2022
(Article) Izzy's Blueberry Wish: A National Guard Deployment Story of Family Resiliency, Lynn M. Moore
(Article) Writing for Intercultural Growth on Study Abroad in Australia, Allison J. Spenader, Joy L. H. Ruis, and Catherine Bohn-Gettler
Submissions from 2018
(Article) Effects of Task Relevance Instructions and Topic Beliefs on Reading Processes and Memory, Catherine Bohn-Gettler and Matthew McCrudden
(Article) Walking with Purpose: Campaign Canvassing Stories, Lynn M. Moore
(Book Review) Review of Uncommonly Good Ideas: Teaching Writing in the Common Core Era, by Murphy, S., & Smith, M.A., Terri L. Rodriguez
(Article) Educators Must Be Advocates: Advocating for Muslim Students, Terri L. Rodriguez, Laura Mahalingappa, Megan Evangeliste, and Lauren Thoma
(Article) When Culture Is Content: Applications for Content-based Instruction in the World Language Classroom, Allison J. Spenader, Pamela M. Wesely, and Cassandra Glynn
Submissions from 2016
(Book Chapter) Social determinants and family health, Janet R. Grochowski
Submissions from 2015
(Article) The App Map: A tool for Systematic Evaluation of Apps for Early Literacy Learning, Madeleine Heins Israelson
Submissions from 2014
(Article) Does monitoring event changes improve comprehension?, Catherine Bohn-Gettler
(Article) The interplay of reader goals, working memory, and text structure during reading, Catherine Bohn-Gettler and Panayiota Kendeoub,
Submissions from 2013
(Book Chapter) Globalization and family Down Under, Janet R. Grochowski
(Article) Millennial teacher: A storied landscape of diversity in "New Times", Terri L. Rodriguez and Heidi L. Hallman
(Article) Cognitive processes of middle grade readers when reading expository text with an assigned goal, Janet Tilstra and Kristen L. McMaster,
Submissions from 2012
Red Lake Revisited, Lynn M. Moore
(Article) Narrative reflexivity in raced and gendered spaces, Terri L. Rodriguez
(Article) Politicizing difference: Interpreting citizenship as a dimension of diversity in pre-service teachers’ narratives, Terri L. Rodriguez and Nihat Polat
(Article) “Ms. Morales needs to go back to English class”: Narratives of a bilingual Latina preservice English language arts teacher in a diverse society, Terri L. Rodriguez and Davi S. Reis
Submissions from 2011
(Article) Stories of self, stories of practice: Enacting a vision of socially just pedagogy for Latino youth, Terri L. Rodriguez
(Article) Eliciting critical literacy narratives of bi/multilingual teacher candidates across U.S. teacher education contexts, Terri L. Rodriguez and Hye-sun Cho
(Article) Imagining the knowledge, strengths, and skills of a Latina prospective teacher, Terri L. Rodriguez and Mary Louise Gomez
(Article) Language learning and acculturation: Lessons from high school and gap-year exchange students, Allison J. Spenader
Submissions from 2010
(Article) Resisting negative images and stereotypes: One Latina prospective teacher’s story, Terri L. Rodriguez
Submissions from 2008
(Article) Life histories of Latino/a teacher candidates, Mary Louise Gomez, Terri L. Rodriguez, and Vonzell Agosto
(Article) Who are Latino prospective teachers and what do they bring to US schools?, Mary Louise Gomez, Terri L. Rodriguez, and Vonzell Agosto
Submissions from 2004
(Book Chapter) Planning for a Healthy Future II: It is Still Your Choice, Janet R. Grochowski
Submissions from 2002
(Book Chapter) Planning Your Healthy Future: It is YOUR Choice, Janet R. Grochowski