Computer Science Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2024
(Article) A reliable diabetic retinopathy grading via transfer learning and ensemble learning with quadratic weighted kappa metric, Sai Venkatesh Chilukoti, Liqun Shan, Vijay Srinivas Tida, Anthony S. Maida, and Xiali Hei
(Article) A Case for Hope in a Warming World, Noreen L. Herzfeld
Submissions from 2023
(Article) Interdisciplinary and Innovative: A Nursing and Computer Science Collaboration to Create a Barcode Medication Administration System, Jodi Lisbeth Berndt, Peter Ohmann, Imad Rahal, Lindsey Hoeschen, and Andrew Rothstein
(Article) Is your computer lying? AI and deception, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Book Review) Review of The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do, by Erik J. Larson, Noreen L. Herzfeld
Submissions from 2022
(Article) Research Software Science: Expanding the Impact of Research Software Engineering, Michael A. Heroux
(Article) Can lethal autonomous weapons be just?, Noreen L. Herzfeld and Robert H. Latiff
Submissions from 2020
(Blog Post) "I can't breathe": Bonhoeffer, the Bible, and the death of George Floyd, Noreen L. Herzfeld
Submissions from 2019
(Blog Post) 2018 retrospect: person of the year, Nicholas Hayes, Anthony Cunningham, Louis D. Johnston, James H. Read, and Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Article) “Where Is Everybody?” Fermi’s Paradox, Evolution, and Sin, Noreen L. Herzfeld
Submissions from 2018
(Blog Post) One Year Retrospective on the State of the Union, Anthony Cunningham, Nicholas Hayes, Noreen L. Herzfeld, Louis D. Johnston, and Derek R. Larson
(Blog Post) Black Friday to Cyber Monday: on climate change, computers, and our embodied selves, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Blog Post) The sorcery of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Blog Post) Summer reading reviews, Noreen L. Herzfeld, Louis D. Johnston, and Nicholas Hayes
Submissions from 2017
(Blog Post) Political Turmoil and Personal Refuge: Trump Presidency at 100 Days and Beyond, Nicholas Hayes, Noreen L. Herzfeld, Louis D. Johnston, James Read, Kathleen A. Cahalan, and Derek R. Larson
(Blog Post) Artifical Intelligence: An Existential Risk?, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Blog Post) The Balkanization of the Media, Noreen L. Herzfeld
Submissions from 2016
(Blog Post) Apocalypse, But Not Now, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Blog Post) The Election: Our View from the Avon Hills, Louis D. Johnston, Nicholas Hayes, Noreen L. Herzfeld, James Read, Kathleen A. Cahalan, and Derek R. Larson
Submissions from 2014
(Article) Evaluation of microarray-based DNA methylation measurement using technical replicates: the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) Study, Maitreyee Bose, Chong Wu, James S. Pankow, Ellen W. Demerath, Jan Bressler, Myriam Fornage, Megan L. Grove, Thomas H. Mosley, Chindo Hicks, Kari North, Wen Hong Kao, Yu Zhang, Eric Boerwinkle, and Weihua Guan
Submissions from 2013
(Article) Using naïve Bayesian classification as a meta-predictor to improve start codon prediction accuracy in prokaryotic organisms, Sean R. Landman and Imad Rahal
Submissions from 2012
(Book Chapter) Between Cyberspace and the New Alchemy, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Book Chapter) Human-directed Evolution: A Christian Perspective, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Book Chapter) In Whose Image? Artificial Intelligence and the Imago Dei, Noreen L. Herzfeld
Submissions from 2011
(Article) Living in Cyberspace: Video Games, Facebook, and the Image of God, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Article) Parallel hierarchical clustering using weighted confidence affinity, Baoying Wang, Imad Rahal, and Aijuan Dong
Submissions from 2010
(Book Chapter) Human and Artificial Intelligence: A Theological Response, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Conference Proceeding) Using Metrics to Quantify Similarity in Source Code: An Empirical Study Using VOCS, Jeremy Iverson, James Schnepf, and Imad Rahal
(Conference Proceeding) Improving Start Codon Prediction Accuracy Using Naive Bayesian Classification, Sean R. Landman and Imad Rahal
(Article) DAVYD: An Iterative Density-Based Approach for Clusters with VarYing Densities, Baoying Wang, Imad Rahal, and William Perrizo
Submissions from 2009
(Article) "Your Cell Will Teach You Everything": Old Wisdom, Modern Science, and the Art of Attention, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Article) Automated Gene-Retrieval System for Biological Information Needs, Imad Rahal, Baoying Wang, and Riad Rahhal
Submissions from 2008
(Conference Proceeding) Undergraduate research experiences in data mining, Imad Rahal
(Conference Proceeding) Towards Efficient Source Code Plagiarism Detection: An N-gram-based Approach, Imad Rahal and Joseph Degiovanni
(Article) CARIBIAM: Constrained Association Rules using Interactive Biological IncrementAl Mining, Imad Rahal, Riad Rahhal, Baoying Wang, and William Perrizo
(Conference Proceeding) Parallel Hierarchical Clustering on Market Basket Data, Baoying Wang, Qin Ding, and Imad Rahal
(Book Chapter) Categorization of Data Clustering Techniques, Baoying Wang, Imad Rahal, and Richard Leipold
Submissions from 2007
(Article) A new member of the family? The continuum of being, artificial intelligence, and the image of God, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Article) Lessons from Srebrenica: The Danger of Religious Nationalism, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Article) "The End of Faith?" Science and Theology as Process, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Article) In Search of Lost Introns, J Andrew Holey, Miklos Csuros, and Igor B. Rogozin
(Conference Proceeding) WC-clustering: Hierarchical Clustering Using the Weighted Confidence Affinity Measure, Baoying Wang and Imad Rahal
Submissions from 2006
(Book Chapter) Bodies Matter: A New Fad and a Fallacy in the Name of Science, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Conference Proceeding) Biological, Intelligent Text-Based Ranking of Genes, Imad Rahal
(Article) Efficiency Considerations for Vertical kNN Text Categorization, Imad Rahal, Hassan Najadat, and William Perrizo
(Article) Exploiting Edge Semantics in Citation Graph Data using Efficient, Vertical ARM, Imad Rahal, Dongmei Ren, Weihua Wu, Anne Denton, Chris Besemann, and William Perrizo
Submissions from 2005
(Book Chapter) Co-creator or Co-creator? The Problem with Artificial Intelligence, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Book Chapter) More than Information: A Christian Critique of Cybernetic Humanism, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Article) Terminator or Super Mario: Human/Computer Hybrids, Actual and Virtual, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Conference Proceeding) Incremental Interactive Mining of Constrained Association Rules from Biological Annotation Data with Nominal Features, Imad Rahal
Submissions from 2004
(Conference Proceeding) An Optimized Approach for kNN Text Categorization Using P-trees, Imad Rahal
(Conference Proceeding) A Vertical Outlier Detection Method with Clusters as By-product, Imad Rahal
(Conference Proceeding) A Vertical Outlier Detection Method with Local Pruning, Imad Rahal
(Conference Proceeding) DataMIME (TM), Imad Rahal
(Conference Proceeding) Efficient Ranking of Keyword Queries Using P-trees, Imad Rahal
(Conference Proceeding) Mining Confident Minimal Rules with Fixed-Consequents, Imad Rahal
(Article) A Ptree-Based Framework for Accelerating MLS Database Queries, Imad Rahal and William Perrizo
(Article) A Scalable Vertical Model for Mining Association Rules, Imad Rahal, Dongmei Ren, and William Perrizo
Submissions from 2003
(Conference Proceeding) Query Acceleration in Multi-level Secure Database Systems Using the P-tree Technology, Imad Rahal
Submissions from 2002
(Article) Creating in Our Own Image: Artificial Intelligence and the Image of God, Noreen L. Herzfeld
Submissions from 1996
(Article) Implementing Abstract Classes with an Inverted Inheritance Hierarchy in C++, J Andrew Holey
Submissions from 1992
(Article) Iterative Algorithms for the Planar Convex Hull Problem on Mesh Connected Arrays, J Andrew Holey and Oscar H. Ibarra
Submissions from 1991
(Article) Triangulation in a Plane and 3-d Convex Hull on Mesh-Connected Arrays and Hypercubes, J Andrew Holey
(Article) Triangulation, Voronoi Diagram and Convex Hull in k-Space on Mesh-Connected Arrays and Hypercubes, J Andrew Holey
Submissions from 1989
(Article) In the Image of Man: Reflections on Artificial Intelligence, Noreen L. Herzfeld