Strategic Communication Studies Faculty Publications | Strategic Communication Studies | College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University

Strategic Communication Studies Faculty Publications

Strategic Communication Studies was known as Communication until Spring semester 2024.


Submissions from 2019


(Article) “The glory of each generation is to set its own precedent”: Belva Lockwood and the rhetorical construction of female presidential plausibility, Emily B. Paup

Submissions from 2017


(Report) College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University HLC Quality Initiative Summary Report, Kathryn A. E. Enke and Shane Miller


(Report) Exploring Men’s Motivations for Studying, and not Studying, Abroad, Shane Miller

Submissions from 2016

(Book Chapter) Mortification and Moral Equivalents: Jimmy Carter's Energy Jeremiad and the Limits of Civic Sacrifice, Terence Check

Submissions from 2015

(Book Chapter) Public Memory and Supernatural Presence: The Mystery and Madness of Weird War Tales, Terence Check

(Book Chapter) Facing Ghosts, God and Nature: Affect, Naturalization and the No Más Cruces Border Campaign, Terence Check and Christine Jasken


(Article) "Just Look at her!": Sporting Bodies as Athletic Resistance and the Limits of Sport Norms in the Case of Caster Semenya, Shane Miller


(Book Review) Review of "Hearing the Hurt: Rhetoric, Aesthetics, and Politics of the New Negro Movement", Aric Putnam


(Article) Mindfulness and the college transition: The efficacy of an adapted mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention in fostering adjustment among first-year students, Taylor R. Ramler, Linda R. Tennison, Julie Lynch, and Patsy Murphy

Submissions from 2014

(Book Chapter) Medication and Morality: Analysis of Medical Visits to Address Chronic Pain, Felicia Roberts and Jennifer S. Kramer

Submissions from 2013

(Book Chapter) ‘Brett Favre is a God’: Sports Fans' Perpetuation of Mythology on Newspaper Websites, Kelly A. Berg and Allison Harthcock

(Book Chapter) It’s Okay that We Back-Stab Each Other: Cultural Myths that Fuel the Battling Female in 'The Bachelor', Jennifer S. Kramer


(Book Review) Review of “Conversational Rhetoric: The Rise and Fall of a Women’s Tradition, 1600-1900" by Jane Donawerth, Emily B. Paup

Submissions from 2012

(Book Chapter) Extreme Sports and Masculinity, Shane Miller

Submissions from 2010


(Conference Proceeding) The Rhetoric of ‘Military Readiness’: Public Discourse, Whales and Navy Sonar, Terence Check


(Article) Making the Boys Cry: The Performative Dimensions of Fluid Gender, Shane Miller

Submissions from 2009

(Book Chapter) Creative Communication and Interpersonal Relationships, Karyl Daughters

Submissions from 2008

(Book Chapter) ‘Let the Domination Begin’: Sports Fans' Construction of Identity in Online Message Boards, Kelly A. Berg and Allison Harthcock


(Article) Environmental Devils, Terence Check

Submissions from 2007

(Book Chapter) The Voices of Katrina: Ethos, Race, and Congressional Testimonials, Terence Check


(Article) Ethiopia Is Now: J. A. Rogers and the Rhetoric of Black Anticolonialism during the Great Depression, Aric Putnam

Submissions from 2006

(Conference Proceeding) Undressing Green Marketing: Making Ethics (In)Visible in Corporate Image Enhancement, Terence Check


(Article) "Modern Slaves": The Liberian Labor Crisis and the Politics of Race and Class, Aric Putnam

Submissions from 2005

(Conference Proceeding) The Framing of Radical Environment Rhetoric: Television News Coverage of the Earth Liberation Front, Terence Check

(Conference Proceeding) Visual Enthymemes of Alaskan Wilderness: Television News Coverage of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Terence Check

Submissions from 2004

(Book Chapter) Technology and Social Change: The Interactive Media Environment, Kelly A. Berg

(Book Chapter) The Bridgestone/Firestone Recall Image Crisis: A Case Study, Kelly A. Berg

Submissions from 2002


(Article) Conspiracy theories: public arguments as coded critiques: an analysis of the TWA Flight 800 conspiracy theories, Shane Miller


(Article) Issue-Advocacy Versus Candidate Advertising: Effects on Candidate Preferences and Democratic Process, Michael Pfau, R. Lance Holbert, Erin Alison Szabo, and Kelly Kaminski


(Article) Re(de)fining Narrative Events: Examining Television Narrative Structure, Michael J. Porter, Deborah L. Larson, Allison Harthcock, and Kelly A. Berg

(Book Chapter) Nuances in Inoculation: Theory and Application, Erin A. Szabo

Submissions from 2001

(Conference Proceeding) Argument Schemes and Corporate Apologia: Public Hearings on the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Terence Check

(Conference Proceeding) Climate and Catharsis: A Burkeian Analysis of Senate Resolution 98 on Global Warming, Terence Check


(Article) Influence of Prime-Time Television Programming on Perceptions of the Federal Government, Michael Pfau, Patricia Moy, and Erin Alison Szabo

Submissions from 1998

(Conference Proceeding) 'Clean' Bombs and 'Limited' War: Edward Teller's Cold War Arguments, Terence Check

(Conference Proceeding) Condemning a Corporation: Exxon as Scapegoat, Terence Check


(Article) The Influence of Political Talk Radio on Confidence in Democratic Institutions, Michael Pfau, Patricia Moy, R. Lance Holbert, Erin A. Szabo, Wei-Kuo Lin, and Weiwu Zhang

Submissions from 1997


(Article) The woven gender: made for a woman, but stronger for a man, Shane Miller

Submissions from 1995

(Conference Proceeding) The Evaluation of Scientific Evidence on the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Terence Check

Submissions from 1994

(Article) The Skipper as Scapegoat: Alcohol and Morality in the Congressional Rhetoric of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Terence Check

Submissions from 1993

(Article) Corporate Rhetoric, Richard Ice

Submissions from 1991


(Article) Corporate Publics and Rhetorical Strategies: The Case of Union Carbide's Bhopal Crisis, Richard Ice

Submissions from 1988

(Article) Preference for Procedural Order, Discussion Structure and Group Decision Performance, Richard Ice, Randy Hirokawa, and Jeanmarie Cook