"Investigating CSA Member Engagement with Recipe Demonstration Videos" by Hosanna Fortmeyer

Celebrating Scholarship and Creativity Day (2018-)

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Emily Heying, Nutrition


Video-based food education and demonstration is increasingly popular as a method of reaching audiences. Meanwhile, members of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs often seek help with utilizing the produce in their shares and could potentially benefit from visual food demonstration. The goal of this pilot study was to determine the effectiveness and utilization of visual food demonstrations by CSA members in St. Joseph, Minnesota. An initial online survey gauged participant interest in demonstration videos. Initial interest by participants (n=29) was high, as 97% of participants responded yes or maybe when asked how likely they were to view recipe demonstration videos accompanying CSA shares. However, only 34% of participants indicated they would be more likely to make the recipe. Three recipe demonstration videos (featuring Chinese cabbage, beets, and collard greens) were made and uploaded to YouTube during the CSA season, and participants were asked 2-3 questions related to the videos on online surveys. At the time of each survey, only about 20% of study participants had watched the video corresponding to that share. Participants viewing the videos at the time of the survey reported the videos to be somewhat or very helpful. Although participants who watched found the videos helpful, for the majority it did not translate into making the recipe or referring more to the newsletter recipes. Demographics, prior confidence of participants, and timing of surveys could also be contributing factors to video demonstration engagement, and future research should involve more investigation into these factors and other barriers to video engagement and implementation.

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Nutrition Commons
