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William Lamberts, Biology


Amano Shrimp Evasion in Response to Predatory Stimulus This study observed the physical behavior of the crustacean Caridina multidentata, more commonly known as amano shrimp, and their response when introduced to a predation-like stimulus. This research sought to understand how amano shrimp are affected by the presence of fish and possible predation. This research carries significance as it could indicate whether the shrimp are affected by the water they’re in, and if that affects their capabilities to carry out their main commercial purpose. This study specifically looks at the amano shrimp and its ability to evade predation when exposed to a stimulus similar to that of a fish's suction to obtain food. When amano shrimp are attacked by fish, the fish sucks water in rapidly to bring the shrimp into its mouth. The shrimp avoids the predation primarily through the use of their entire abdomen to push itself away from the suction. This motion is conducted with the use of leg-like extensions called pleopods and a uropod. Our research suggests there is a significant difference in evasion response when exposed to a predation stimulus while in fish contaminated water as opposed to clean water. The shrimp display a quicker response in fish contaminated water, and seem to be more cautious, as they display the response from further away.

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