"Non-Pharmacological Management of Behavioral Symptoms in Dementia Resi" by Alex Khoury, Annie Ruelle et al.

Celebrating Scholarship and Creativity Day (2018-)

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LuAnn Reif, Nursing


The World Health Organization explains that 50 million people are diagnosed with dementia globally (2017). In dementia patients, agitation is the most common reported symptom (Livingston et al., 2017). Interventions for agitation are crucial in promoting quality of life, providing a safe environment, and reducing caregiver burden. Many residents within long-term care facilities display forgetfulness and many have a diagnosis of dementia. Nursing Assistant Certification programs provide little to no education on non-pharmacological techniques to de-escalate agitated residents (C. Taylor, personal communication, February 21, 2018). The focus is to provide an education tool for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) within long-term care facilities to obtain knowledge on how to note verbal and nonverbal signs of agitation, find the root cause of the agitation, and being able to implement de-escalation techniques such as music therapy, massage, and reducing environmental stimulation etc. A survey tool was used to evaluate the receptiveness of the educational powerpoint and a case study that provided opportunity to work through a real clinical scenario of an agitated resident diagnosed with dementia. The goal of this project is to better equip unlicensed nursing personnel at long-term care facilities with a knowledge base and educational tools on techniques for staff to implement in provision of care for agitated dementia residents.

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