"Relational Aggression in College Students: Associations with Emotion R" by Charlotte Mensen

Celebrating Scholarship and Creativity Day (2018-)

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Laura Sinville


Relational aggression is defined as aggression that attempts to harm others through the manipulation of relationships, reputation, and status. This can be seen when one spreads rumors, gossips, excludes someone, ignores someone, or gives them the silent treatment (Crick & Grotpeter, 1995; Lento-Zwolinksi, 2007). Previous research has found that behaviors of relational aggression are more common in adolescence, but tend to decrease in emerging adulthood. Men and women are equally likely to engage in relationally aggressive behavior; however, in women, it is associated with more maladaptive outcomes (Werner & Crick, 1999). The current study found that relational aggression was associated with difficulties in emotion regulation, negative affect, social anxiety, depression, egocentricity, antisocial traits, and spitefulness. There were no significant associations with positive affect, sleep difficulties, and callousness. Potential gender differences in these relationships were also explored.
