"Implementation of One-on-One Activities Aimed at Improving Residents P" by Margo Achterkirch, Isaac Burgess et al.

Celebrating Scholarship and Creativity Day (2018-)

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Nicole Lang


In long term care facilities, due to the increased amount of isolation and restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in the PHQ-9 scores (depression) amongst the geriatric population. Isolation from their families, friends, group activities and other residents was shown to have major effects on their mental health. Throughout our time spent working with residents in the long-term care setting, we focused on the improvement of the residents' mental health and improving their quality of life. It is proven that if someone has good social interactions with other people, then they are more likely to live a healthier and better life. In order to decrease the PHQ-9 scores of the selected residents within the long-term care facility, we did an array of activities with the individuals based on options we provided. Some of the options we offered were reading a book together, playing cards, and coloring. Sometimes our time was spent having a conversation. We met with these individual residents for about 30 minutes when they were available. As a result of completing this project, we were able to observe residents enjoying their one-on-one time with us while doing an activity that they enjoy. Overall improving their quality of life. Upon further review of the methods that we used during our research; we identified some implications. Some individuals in our sample that obtained high PHQ-9 scores were Alzheimer’s or dementia residents. These individuals may have skewed our data due to the extent of their condition upon questioning. Alzheimer’s leads to depression and chronic sadness in all diagnoses. Unfortunately, whichever stage the disease is in, it is difficult to understand how these individuals are feeling. Overall, we hope to see an increase in the residents' quality of life when group activities and visitations resume without limitations.
