"Running with Expanding Heart : Meeting God in Everyday Life" by Mary Reuter OSB
Running with Expanding Heart : Meeting God in Everyday Life

Running with Expanding Heart : Meeting God in Everyday Life


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Mary Reuter recalls how as a child taking piano lessons she often skipped practicing scales and thought her teacher would not notice. Reuter admits she never did advance to the level of a skilled pianist. But in Running with Expanding Heart readers will discover that she is well practiced, and thus skilled, in paying attention to the extraordinary in the ordinary, in discovering the presence of God in the events of daily life. Through Reuter’s poignant and humorous stories, and through her careful listening to Scripture and the Rule of Benedict, readers will also take up the practice of looking for God in unexpected places—and in doing so they will find their hearts expanding with the unconditional and all-embracing love of God.

Mary Reuter, OSB, is a member of Saint Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph, Minnesota, where she served as prioress from 1989–1995. She currently teaches in the department of theology at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University.


9780814633083 9780814639207

Publication Date



Liturgical Press


Collegeville, MN


Arts and Humanities | Catholic Studies | Religion

Running with Expanding Heart : Meeting God in Everyday Life
