School of Theology and Seminary Faculty Publications

Benedictine Monasticism and Mysticism

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Arts and Humanities | Christianity | History of Christianity | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


This essay will suggest the main elements of western monastic mysticism as found in its classic texts. Among them is the Rule of Benedict (RB), whose few but precious references to spiritual experience place it firmly within a literary tradition based on translated eastern monastic writings, the Latin monastic synthesis of John Cassian, and the burgeoning regulae of western monasticism.

Book Description: The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism explores the origins, evolution, and contemporary debates relating to Christian mystics, texts, and the movements they inspired. Provides a comprehensive and engaging account of Christian mysticism, from its origins right up to the present day; draws on the best of current scholarship by bringing together a collection of newly-commissioned readings by leading scholars; considers examples of mysticism in both Eastern and Western Christianity; offers a brilliant synthesis of the key figures and historical periods of mysticism; its core themes, such as heresy, gender, or aesthetics; and its theoretical considerations, including theological, literary, social scientific, and philosophical approaches; features chapters on current debates such as neuroscience and mystical experience, and inter-religious dialogue.


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Series: Wiley-Blackwell companions to religion.
