Political Science Faculty Publications
The Prospects for the Free Trade Area of the Américas in the Bush Administration
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
International and Area Studies | International Relations | Latin American Studies | Political Science | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Book Description
In this edited volume fourteen scholars, mostly from Latin America, analyze the current state of relations between North America and Latin America in a number of sectors--economic, security, politics, and the environment. Particular attention is paid to processes of economic integration that dominated political discussions during the decade of the 1990s – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), MERCOSUR, the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). Because most of the scholars are from Latin America, the book has a perspective that is often lacking in books on similar scholars written almost exclusively by scholars from the U.S.
Recommended Citation
Prevost, Gary. “The Prospects for the Free Trade Area of the Américas in the Bush Administration.” In Neoliberalism and Neopanamericanism: The View from Latin America, edited by Gary Prevost and Carlos Oliva Campos, 67-106. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2002.
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