Political Science Faculty Publications
Revolutionaries in Power: The Evolution of the African National Congress
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
African Studies | International and Area Studies | Political Science | Social and Behavioral Sciences
This research on the African National Congress (ANC) is done in the context of the question of what happens when a revolutionary, rebel movement succeeds in taking state power. It is now 13 years since 1994, when as the result of national elections negotiated with the former National Party (NP) rulers, the ANC took the reins of governmental power. This analysis will place the challenges of the ANC in the context of rebel movements in Latin America that have taken power and it will address several theoretical questions.
Recommended Citation
Prevost, Gary. “Revolutionaries in Power: The Evolution of the African National Congress.” In From Revolutionary Movements to Political Parties: Cases from Latin America and Africa, edited by Kalowatie Deonandan, David Close, and Gary Prevost, 133-156. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
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