"The Oneness of God and the Diversity of Religions: A Christian Perspec" by Jeannine Hill Fletcher

Jay Phillips Center Programs

The Oneness of God and the Diversity of Religions: A Christian Perspective

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The earliest Christians experienced the reality of God as creator beyond human comprehension, but they also gave witness to the experience of God in Jesus Christ and the Spirit among them. How might a Trinitarian faith open out into the belief that the diversity of religions is a sacred gift? Dr. Hill Fletcher will explore a contemporary approach to Christian faith in a pluralistic world that affirms religious difference while affirming also the uniqueness of Jesus Christ.

Jeannine Hill Fletcher is professor of theology at Fordham University, where she also serves as the faculty director for the Dorothy Day Center for Service and Justice. Her primary area of research in theologies of religious diversity has focused on the intersection with other forms of difference including gender and race, with an interest in the material and political impact of theological projects. Her books include Monopoly on Salvation? A Christian Approach to Religious Pluralism (Continuum, 2005) and Motherhood as Metaphor: Engendering Interreligious Dialogue (Fordham University Press, 2013). Professor Fletcher's current work, on the intersection of religion and race, is informed by membership in the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, a multi-generational, multi-religious and multi-racial grassroots organization working for social change.

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