A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus

A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus


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A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus draws together the insights of social scientists, historians, and theologians in order to introduce readers to central topics in Catholic Social Teaching and to provide concrete examples of how it is being put into action by colleges and college students. The authors bring their disciplinary backgrounds and knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching to the exploration of the issues, making the book suitable for use in a wide range of courses and settings. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter help readers to think about issues raised in the essays and to think creatively about Catholic Social Teaching in an ever-changing world. The authors invite readers to join them in engaging contemporary thought and experience in the light of Catholic Social Teaching and the college campus.

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Liturgical Press



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Liturgical Press


Collegeville, MN


Catholic Studies | Ethics in Religion | Higher Education | Sociology


Susan Crawford Sullivan and Ron Pagnucco are the editors of this volume. Working with Kenyan professor Fr. Peter Gichure, they have also published an African edition by Catholic University of Eastern African Press.

The United States' historical engagement with Catholic social teaching, by David O'Brien; Catholic social teaching in the Catholic intellectual tradition, by Thomas M. Landy; The state and civil society in Catholic social teaching, by David L. Coleman; Catholic social teaching, poverty and the economy, by Linda Plitt Donaldson and Susan Crawford Sullivan; From neighbour to brother and sister: immigration in Catholic social teaching, by Daniel Groody, CSC, and Colleen Cross; Care for creation, by Bernard F. Evans; Catholic peacebuilding, by Gerard F. Powers; Human rights, Catholic social teaching and the liberal rights tradition, by Ron Pagnucco and Mark Ensalaco; Solidarity: a Catholic perspective, by Ron Pagnucco and Peter Gichure; Sharing the vision of justice, by Susan Crawford Sullivan and Ron Pagnucco; Appendix 1. Catholic higher education and Catholic social teaching: a vision statement; Appendix 2. Catholic social treaching documents: papal social encyclicals and U.S. Bishops' pastorals.

A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus
