Phi Beta Kappa Induction Ceremony, 2023

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Phi Beta Kappa


Theta of Minnesota, the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, welcomed 43 students as new members during the chapter’s annual Induction Ceremony on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. The ceremony and reception were held in Upper Gorecki at CSB and included opening remarks by the president of CSB and SJU, Dr. Brian Bruess; an overview of the history of the Society by Chapter Historian Derek Moore; the initiation of new members, led by Chapter President Laura Taylor; and an address by professor of economics and resident member of the chapter, Dr. Louis Johnston, entitled “Telling Stories.”

Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776 by several students at the College of William and Mary. It is considered the nation’s oldest and most prestigious academic honor society and champions undergraduate excellence in the liberal arts. There are currently 293 chapters at leading colleges and universities nationwide.

The CSB and SJU chapter was established in 2009. As the eighth Phi Beta Kappa chapter established in Minnesota, it was named “Theta” after the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet. This is the 14th cohort of students who have been inducted into the chapter. Further information about the Theta of Minnesota Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, including a list of all student inductees, is available at

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