Mostly Minnesota Art Song: Songs by Barber, Campbell, Erickson, Larsen, Maurer, Phipps-Kettlewell, Rossi, and Thomas

Mostly Minnesota Art Song: Songs by Barber, Campbell, Erickson, Larsen, Maurer, Phipps-Kettlewell, Rossi, and Thomas


Download Biographies, Program Notes, and Performer Bios.pdf (11.4 MB)

Download 01 David Evan Thomas – Piping Down the Valley Wild.mp3 (6.9 MB)

Download 02 David Evan Thomas – Cradle Song.mp3 (7.1 MB)

Download 03 David Evan Thomas – The Little Boy Lost.mp3 (2.8 MB)

Download 04 David Evan Thomas – The Little Boy Found.mp3 (4.5 MB)

Download 05 David Evan Thomas – On Another's Sorrow.mp3 (9.9 MB)

Download 06 David Evan Thomas – Laughing Song.mp3 (4.9 MB)

Download 07 Karen Erickson – In a Certain Light.mp3 (13.1 MB)

Download 08 Wynn-Anne Rossi – To Darkness.mp3 (5.9 MB)

Download 09 George Maurer – Too Cold for Snow.mp3 (7.5 MB)

Download 10 George Maurer – If I Forget Your Face.mp3 (8.9 MB)

Download 11 Libby Larsen – Raspberry Island.mp3 (8.0 MB)

Download 12 Libby Larsen – Lift Me into Heaven Slowly (Cowboy Songs).mp3 (5.8 MB)

Download 13 Roderick Phipps-Kettlewell – Invitation.mp3 (7.4 MB)

Download 14 Samuel Barber - Nocturne.mp3 (7.6 MB)

Download 15 Samuel Barber – I Hear an Army.mp3 (6.2 MB)

Download 16 Brian G. Campbell – 'This is my letter to the world'.mp3 (5.7 MB)

Download 17 Brian G. Campbell – 'There's a certain slant of light'.mp3 (7.3 MB)

Download 18 Brian G. Campbell – 'Wild nights! Wild nights!'.mp3 (3.2 MB)

Download 19 Brian G. Campbell – 'Look back on time with kindly eyes'.mp3 (6.8 MB)

Download 20 Brian G. Campbell – 'Because I could not stop for Death'.mp3 (11.4 MB)


Tracks 1-6 are from David Evan Thomas' Divine Images collection, based on the poetry of William Blake.

Tracks 16-20 are from Brian G. Campbell's collection This is My Letter to the World: Five Emily Dickinson Songs.

Publication Date



Arts and Humanities | Music | Music Performance


Recordings featuring Patricia Kent, soprano, Carolyn Finley, mezzo-soprano, and Edward Turley, piano.

This project was funded by a CSB/SJU Faculty Development Grant and was recorded in Escher Auditorium in the Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict campus by Gerry Stinson Audio.

Mostly Minnesota Art Song: Songs by Barber, Campbell, Erickson, Larsen, Maurer, Phipps-Kettlewell, Rossi, and Thomas
