Music Faculty Publications | Music | College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University

Music Faculty Publications



Submissions from 2013


(Article) Cure for the Romantic Virus: An Introduction to Principles of Metrical/Mathematical Analysis, Willem (Wim) Ibes

(Article) After Vatican II: Are We All Protestants Now? Or Are We All Catholics Now?, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2012


A Beethoven Triptych, Willem (Wim) Ibes


Beethoven's Piano Sonata Opus 110 in A-flat Major: the Mystery of the Missing Cats, Willem (Wim) Ibes


(Article) What is the Future of the Liturgy?, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2011

(Book Chapter) The Monastic Quality of Anglicanism: Implications for Understanding the Anglican Patrimony, John-Bede Pauley OSB

(Article) Reading and Singing the Church's Chant: The Basics, Anthony Ruff OSB

(Article) The Value of Unaccompanied Vernacular Chant in the Liturgy, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2010


(Article) The Physics and Metaphysics of Piano Playing: Twelve Fundamental Principles, Willem (Wim) Ibes

(Article) Liturgy under Benedict XVI, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2009

(Article) English Cathedral Music from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, John-Bede Pauley OSB and Rebecca Frost

Submissions from 2008

(Article) To Turn Singing On Its Ear: The Singer’s Voice and the Tomatis Listening Curve, Part II, John-Bede Pauley OSB


(Article) The Music "Specially Suited to the Roman Liturgy": On the One Hand..., Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2007

(Book Chapter) Harpsichord Lessons for the Beginner—à la Isolde Ahlgrimm, Kim R. Kasling

(Article) To Turn Singing On Its Ear: The Singer’s Voice and the Tomatis Listening Curve, Part I, John-Bede Pauley OSB

Submissions from 2004


(Article) Do Priests Need to Sing?, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2000


(Article) On the Voice: The Cart, the Horse, and a Ride in the Choral Countryside, Leon Thurman, Sharon Hansen, and Axel Theimer

Submissions from 1998

(Article) The Roman Paterfamilias and the Rule of St. Benedict, John-Bede Pauley OSB

Submissions from 1990


(Presentation) Music Fullness of the Present, Willem (Wim) Ibes