Latino/Latin American Studies Lectures
Cultural Citizenship: Culture, Action, and Community | Palabristas - Latin @ Wordslingers
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The Palabristas - Latin@Wordslingers are a collective of poets, spoken word artists, and writers of Chican@/Latin@ hertitage founded in Minnesota in 2003. From the Westside of St. Paul to Machu Picchu, from El Yunque to El Salvador, Palabristas meld, mold, mezclan and sazonan the spoken word - the living word. Palabristas use the power of the word to engage, agitate, and build community.
Recommended Citation
Diaz, Neri Rafael; Kaluza, Magdalena; and Ortiz, Emmanuel, "Cultural Citizenship: Culture, Action, and Community | Palabristas - Latin @ Wordslingers" (2017). Latino/Latin American Studies Lectures. 18.