Libraries Lectures
Doctrine of Discovery
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Still having repercussions today, the 15th century “Doctrine of Discovery” gave Christian explorers and governments the moral and legal authority to invade, enslave and dominate Indigenous Peoples, underpinning cultural biases and disadvantages even into the 21st century. Learn about the Doctrine in this presentation by Peggy Landwehr Roske to community members attending an event sponsored by the Social Justice & Ministry Committee at the St. John the Baptist Parish Center, Collegeville, on March 7, 2018. [NOTE: The Catholic Church officially repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery on March 30, 2023, declaring that it is not part of the Catholic Church's teachings and does not reflect the equal dignity and rights of Indigenous peoples.]
Recommended Citation
Roske, Peggy L., "Doctrine of Discovery" (2018). Libraries Lectures. 20.