"Challenging the Constraints: The Economic Issues" Panel Discussion
Start Date
12-7-2016 10:30 AM
End Date
12-7-2016 11:30 AM
The Wall Street and Main Street economies present two different tales, one of growth and productivity, the other of continued uncertainty and no small measure of fear. Led by economic, demographic, and cultural changes that converged during the depths of the Great Recession, the higher education landscape has been reshaped in ways that demand renewed consideration of value and vision. This conversational session will examine the economics of the new marketplace and their implications for colleges and universities.
Speaker Bio
Chris Farrell
Mr. Chris Farrell is senior economics contributor at Marketplace, American Public Media’s nationally syndicated public radio business and economic programs. He is economics commentator for Minnesota Public Radio and host of MPR’s series, Conversations on the Creative Economy. An award-winning journalist, Farrell is a columnist for Next Avenue and the Star Tribune and a contributor to The New York Times. His most recent book is Unretirement: How Baby Boomers are Changing the Way We Think About Work, Community and the Good Life.
Jon McGee
Mr. Jon McGee is vice president for Planning and Public Affairs at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. He has worked in higher education research and policy for 24 years. He serves on the cabinet of both colleges and is responsible for research and analysis in support of enrollment and budget decision-making, state and federal government relations, and strategic planning. His new book, Breakpoint: The Changing Marketplace for Higher Education, examines key forces of disruption in higher education and offers a framework to colleges and universities for addressing those issues. McGee is a trustee of the College Board. He also serves on the faculty of the Harvard Summer Institute on College Admissions.
Michael Hemesath
Dr. Michael Hemesath became the thirteenth president of Saint John's University on July 1, 2012. A 1981 SJU graduate, he is the first layperson appointed to a full presidential term at SJU. Hemesath graduated summa cum laude with a degree in economics and received his master's and doctoral degrees in economics from Harvard University. He was on the economics faculty at Carleton College from 1989-2012 and served as faculty president from 2009-12. Before teaching at Carleton, Hemesath was on the faculty for two years at Tufts University in Medford, Mass.
Streaming Media
"Challenging the Constraints: The Economic Issues" Panel Discussion
The Wall Street and Main Street economies present two different tales, one of growth and productivity, the other of continued uncertainty and no small measure of fear. Led by economic, demographic, and cultural changes that converged during the depths of the Great Recession, the higher education landscape has been reshaped in ways that demand renewed consideration of value and vision. This conversational session will examine the economics of the new marketplace and their implications for colleges and universities.
Moderated by Dr. Michael Hemesath, Saint John's University.