Concurrent Session: "Liberal Arts Curricular Models"
Start Date
13-7-2016 10:00 AM
End Date
13-7-2016 11:30 AM
Creative faculty members across the country are developing new approaches to designing general education and major curricular pathways. The session will explore these new approaches that connect students' deep engagement with substantive bodies of knowledge and challenge students to integrate and apply intellectual skills to relevant and societally important problems.
Speaker Bio
Debra Humphreys
Dr. Debra Humphreys is the senior vice president for Academic Planning and Public Engagement at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). Prior to this position, she served as vice president for Policy and Public Engagement and as director of programs in the Office of Diversity, Equity and Global Initiatives at AAC&U where she directed programs on women's issues and diversity in higher education. Humphreys leads AAC&U’s national and state-level advocacy and policy efforts and coordinates all of AAC&U’s academic programs and strategic planning efforts related to issues of student success and the quality of liberal learning in higher education. As part of AAC&U's campaign, “Liberal Education and America’s Promise: Excellence for Everyone as a Nation Goes to College,” she has led efforts to educate the public about the value of an engaged liberal education to prepare for the changing global economy. Humphreys received her bachelor’s degree from Williams College and her doctorate in English from Rutgers University.
Streaming Media
Concurrent Session: "Liberal Arts Curricular Models"
Creative faculty members across the country are developing new approaches to designing general education and major curricular pathways. The session will explore these new approaches that connect students' deep engagement with substantive bodies of knowledge and challenge students to integrate and apply intellectual skills to relevant and societally important problems.
Moderated by Dr. Emily Esch, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University.