Koch Chair in Catholic Thought & Culture Lectures

Living Prosperity Responsibly: Catholic Social Thought and Our Complicity in Harms to Distant Others

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Koch Chair


Catholic Social Thought and Our Complicity in Harms to Distant Others

Daniel K. Finn is Professor Emeritus of Theology and Clemens Professor Emeritus of Economics at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict. His books include Christian Economic Ethics (Fortress), Consumer Ethics in a Global Economy (Georgetown), and The Moral Ecology of Markets (Cambridge). He has received lifetime achievement awards from the Catholic Theological Society of America and the Association for Social Economics. He is a former president of those two professional societies and of the Society of Christian Ethics. For 25 years, he has been the Director of the True Wealth of Nations project at the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies. He has lectured in more than twenty nations in Latin America, Europe, and Asia and has led a successful affordable housing campaign among five cities in central Minnesota.

The Koch Chair in Catholic Thought and Culture recognizes a scholar whose research and teaching involves placing the Catholic intellectual tradition in dialogue with other academic disciplines. The Koch Chair assists the campus community to deepen their understanding of the rich Catholic intellectual and cultural tradition.

Through an annual lecture and other programming, the Koch Chair provides opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to bring the Catholic tradition into fruitful dialogue with the academic disciplines and explore contemporary issues relevant to Catholic faith and the wider culture.

This approach supports a full range of expertise, from science to the arts and humanities. Consistent with CSB’s commitment to empower female students to realize their full potential and contribute significantly to society, the Koch Chair highlights historical and contemporary women’s contribution to the Catholic intellectual and cultural tradition.

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