Are we still Dreaming? Living Woke in a World Built on a Dream

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Pastor James Alberts II of the Higher Ground Church of God in St. Cloud delivered the MLK Week 2020 convocation.

In August of 1963, one of the most iconic speeches of all time was given in Washington, D.C. by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in which he shared with the world his dream of the future state of our nation. Dr. King’s speech gave words to what many see and believe to be possible even today. While we do not dispute the words, turning them into action has been a far greater challenge. The Poor People’s Campaign was started by Rev. Dr. King to create a united front to demand economic equality and human rights for all Americans of diverse backgrounds and though he died shortly after its inception, the architecture of the movement had been created and we follow its blueprint in large part today. Our challenge is in knowing how to be “WOKE” and own the responsibility of living in a time where we can do what our forefathers could only dream about.

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