"Guardians of Memory: HMML's Race to Preserve Our Handwritten History" by Columba Stewart

HMML Lectures

Guardians of Memory: HMML's Race to Preserve Our Handwritten History

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Fr. Columba will share stories and images that chronicle how the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library is working to preserve the manuscript heritage of communities threatened by persecution, emigration and modernization.

A monk and scholar, Fr. Columba Stewart, 0.S.B., is the executive director of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) at Saint John's University in Collegeville. Minnesota, a library dedicated to the preservation and study of humanity's manuscript heritage. Since 2003, Fr. Columba has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and South India, cultivating relationships with communities possessing manuscript collections from the Late Antique to early modern periods. HMML is currently digitally preserving the manuscript heritage of communities in Iraq, Syria and Mali.

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