Job Reengineering: A New Approach to Meet the Challenges Faced by Rural Electric Systems

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 1993


Business | Business Administration, Management, and Operations


Business organizations in America have encountered a paradigm shift. As discussed in several prior issues of Management Quarterly, this revolution in management philosophy has also touched the rural electric industry. In their previous articles, Scott Luecal, Steve Collier, and Dr. Fred Luthans have described the need to abandon many of the traditional philosophies of operating rural electric cooperatives. They have also identified new management and industry trends that need to be recognized and addressed if the rural cooperatives are to be competitive providers of energy into the next century. Some of these trends include the changing federal attitude toward and intent to provide loan funds to rural cooperatives, the success which cooperatives have had in establishing service to rural consumers, and the changing market in which open competition between private and cooperative utilities will become common.
