Climate for change

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The science is essentially settled. The actions we need to take are clear. Our climate is changing in ways that will impact all our lives. Human activity is causing this planetary crisis. Why can’t we act if we know what we should do? The barriers to change seem largely political and religious. This forum is a prelude to a seminar (October 16) on climate change and religion by Dr. Daniel DiLeo, Director of Justice and Peace Studies, Creighton University. His talk is sponsored by the Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning. This talk, “Climate for Change”, is interactive and focuses on four topics:

  • Climate Science (for lay people) - How did we get here and where we will end up if we stay the course?
  • Climate Action - Why is it so hard?
  • Tipping points - What might amplify our climate crisis?
  • Addressing Climate Change: What can we do to minimize our climate crisis?


The slides for this presentation are not available.
