Musical performance as cultural theory

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In the early 90’s, Dr. Thomas Daddesio and I began the serious study of reggae music—using methodology drawn from semiotics and contemporary cultural theory. After a while, we decided to try to play the music. This gave birth to The One Drop—a reggae, ska, soca, rock band that played around campus for 8 years and released one album (The One Drop, 1998). A few years later, I ran into Tom at a conference, and decided to get together to record music in the summer. We named ourselves “The Karma Refugees” after one of the first songs I wrote for the band. We’ve had these summer music sessions for the past several years. For this forum, The Karma Refugees (Tom Daddesio, bass; Kathleen Regan (CSB, '99), vocals, guitar, Caitlin Brutger (CSB, 2010), keyboards, vocals and me (guitar, vocals) will play a set of original music. My background has been in modern poetry, critical theory and cultural studies as reflected in my website.

This web page will be devoted to providing a kind of song that has intellectual
content and theoretical overtones.


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