"Binge drinking: the real story about alcohol use at CSB/SJU part II" by Eric Felsch, Jenny Miller et al.

Forum Lectures

Binge drinking: the real story about alcohol use at CSB/SJU part II

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This session is an extension of a previous Friday Forum on the alcohol and other drug culture at CSB/SJU. Data was further analized for different groups on campus (athletes, leaders, etc.). This session will also be more discussion-oriented, although data will be presented on the use and perceptions of our students.

This Friday Forum presents data collected last spring that measured CSB/SJU student alcohol and other drug usage. We will share information regarding our students general drug and alcohol use rates and then break down this information according to gender and age. Why students drink, the perceived consequences for drinking, and where they drink will also be shared with the audience. We will also talk about student perceptions of drug and alcohol use, and how these perceptions influence the real situation on our campuses. Our results were part of a national study on college student alcohol and other drug use, and we hope to disseminate comparison data at a later date.


The slides for this presentation are not available.
