Forum Lectures
Sexual assault prevalence and rape myths in CSB/SJU students
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Data from several well-conducted research studies suggest that sexual assaults experienced by heterosexual females are highly underreported. It is well documented that many women (usually over 50%) who have been forced to have sexual intercourse will label their experience as something other than rape. Are these data trends generalizeable to females at the College of St. Benedict/St. John's University?
When sexual assault occurs in a dating context, what types of attribution tendencies do our students have about the culpability of the perpetrator and the survivor? What type of response and sense-making is most common among survivors of sexual assault in our female student population? Is "victim-blaming" common among our male and female students alike? In this presentation, recent data from on-campus sexual assault studies will be used to address these and other important questions.
Recommended Citation
Turk, Don, "Sexual assault prevalence and rape myths in CSB/SJU students" (2005). Forum Lectures. 293.
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