"Mother Benedicta Riepp and Abbot Boniface Wimmer play cards: an episto" by Jill Zasadny

Forum Lectures

Mother Benedicta Riepp and Abbot Boniface Wimmer play cards: an epistological 'raise you one'

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This short portion of the soon-to-be-published book, Sow the Wind, Riepp: the Whirlwind, directly addresses the animosity our founding Benedictine father had for our--likewise-- founding Benedictine mother, and her quiet but humbly triumphant response in the face of it. In this explication of Benedicta's last extant letter--a piece of writing she was too weak to pen herself and one that many in the past had considered a capitulation--we find instead a careful shading of words and a canny resolution of conflict. The renowned Benedictine scholar, Jerome Oetgen, author of An American Abbot: Boniface Wimmer, points out that the early death of Benedicta at the age of 36 was certainly hastened by the treatment of Boniface toward her. In light of such concentrated and consistent repression, the life and reputation of Mother Benedicta calls out for re-examination and correction.


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