A kind of heresy: Assessment of student learning in philosophy

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What do we really teach students in philosphy? There are lots of theories by lots of philosophers that our students study, of course, but odd as it may seem, that may not be the most important part of what we do. Instead, the department has for some time also given serious thought to the particular skills, attitudes and dispositions that our students develop via the study of philosophy. While our students will soon forget the particulars of the ideas of Aristotle, Kant or Heidegger, the skills, attitudes, and dispositions they develop through the study of philosophy could have a formative influence on their persons. But while it is a relatively straightforward matter to ascertain whether or not students get the ideas right, it is a more challenging task to find out whether or not they are developing the skills and dispositions that we hope will shape them for life. At this Friday Forum, Prof. Charles Wright (Philosophy) will present the most recent developments in the Philosophy Department’s ongoing efforts to learn whether or not our students are developing the skills and dispositions that matter to us as instructors.


The slides for this presentation are not available.
