"Examining moral courage in perioperative nurses in different regions o" by Georgia Hogenson

Forum Lectures

Examining moral courage in perioperative nurses in different regions of the United States

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Nursing | Perioperative, Operating Room and Surgical Nursing


Purpose: Threats to patient safety exist. Nurse appraisals of these threats and the likelihood to act with moral courage have been researched in perioperative nurses in different regions of the United States. Presentation: results of two research studies which examined moral courage in perioperative nurses in different regions of the United States. This research examined moral courage in perioperative nurses in the western United States and comparing results of a previous study of perioperative nurses in the Midwest United States. Research results contain both quantitative and qualitative data. Attendees gain perspective of the level of moral courage necessary in the perioperative arena, positive influences of moral courage, potential barriers, leadership/management issues/support, and policy creation.


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