"Student Affairs professionals: student success stewards on the college" by Rebecca Brown-Medvec, Jody Terhaar et al.

Student Affairs professionals: student success stewards on the college campus

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Higher Education


Student Affairs professionals have increasingly seen their roles expand and receive more attention at colleges and universities across the nation as increasing research in higher education demonstrates how their work is key to student retention and success. Our student affairs staff provide our students with opportunities for campus involvement, community engagement, student leadership roles, holistic development, and even personal strategies for increasing and maintaining health and wellness. The work of student affairs translates directly into how well students transition to college, excel in the classroom, learn to live in an inclusive campus climate, and even helps students in character development and professional skills. Student development theory, a tool used by student affairs, can help all those in teaching students, supervising students, advising, or in any other interactions be more effective in their own roles. This panel discusses theories and student affairs perspectives that are utilized by each professional on a regular basis; they explain how their knowledge helps support students in and outside of the classroom, and finally panelists share how there are opportunities for collaboration between academic affairs and student development that could enhance and leverage the theories for student retention and student success.


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