Learning to be present to another: insights for Christians from Buddhism

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Learning to be present to another requires more than practical listening skills. A contemplative approach transforms the process of listening into a spiritual endeavor. Concepts from "Buddhist psychology" can deepen our understanding of Christian teachings on how in grow in the ability to be contemplatively present:

  1. "You do not exist the way you think you do." (Buddhism: no-self)
    "Not I, but Christ lives within me." (Christianity: interior freedom)
  2. "Drop the story and find the feeling." (Buddhism: mindfulness)
    "Stay with the inner movement." (Christianity: sacrament of the present moment)
  3. "Cultivate unconditional friendliness with oneself and all beings." (Buddhism: loving-kindness)
    "Abide in loving relationship with self, others and God." (Christianity: Trinitarian love)


The original version of this talk was presented to the Monastic Interreligious Dialogue and is available at


The slides for this presentation are not available.
