"The True Wealth of Nations: Catholic Social Thought and Economic Life" by Daniel K. Finn

Economics Faculty Books

The True Wealth of Nations: Catholic Social Thought and Economic Life

The True Wealth of Nations: Catholic Social Thought and Economic Life


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The True Wealth of Nations arises from the conviction that implementing a morally adequate vision of the economy will generate sustainable prosperity for all. It sets forth the beginnings of an architecture of analysis for relating economic life and Christian faith-intellectually and experientially-and helps social scientists, theologians, and all persons of faith to appreciate the true wealth of any nation.

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Oxford University Press



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Oxford University Press




Arts and Humanities | Catholic Studies | Christianity | Economics | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Sociology | Sociology of Religion



What does Catholic social thought recommend for the economy?: The economic common good as a path to true prosperity, by Albino Barrera; What is "sustainable prosperity for all" in the Catholic social tradition?, by Andrew M. Yuengert; Catholic social thought, civil economy, and the spirit of capitalism, by Stefano Zamagni; The political and economic impact of CST since 1891: Christian democracy and Christian labour unions in Europe, by Vera Negri Zamagni; Just contracts and Catholic social teaching: A perspective from Anglo-American law, by Vincent D. Rougeau; The unjust contract: A moral evaluation, by Daniel K. Finn; From a theological frame to a secular frame: How historical context shapes our understanding of the principles of Catholic social thought, by Mary L. Hirschfeld; Wealth creation, social virtues, and sociality: Social capital's role in creating and sustaining wealth, by John A. Coleman; What do we know about the economic situation of women and what does it mean for a just economy?, by Simona Beretta; Truly Africa, and wealthy!: What Africa can learn from Catholic social teaching about sustainable economic prosperity, by Paulinus I. Odozor; Capital, spirit, and common wealth, by Jon P. Gunnemann; An ecofeminist approach to the true wealth project, by Maylin Biggadike; Moving from research to action: Some lessons and directions (from a Catholic social ministry bureaucrat), by John Carr.

The True Wealth of Nations: Catholic Social Thought and Economic Life

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