TO Podcast: Game the Bigger Picture

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Elena Sanchez Mora


This podcast is a production of the TO (Theater of the Oppressed) course in Guatemala of the spring 2020 study abroad program group of the College of St Benedict and St John’s University.

When we offer a TO course we always research the real-life oppressions that affect the student group, but this year due to COVID-19, the majority of the course was conducted online with the participation of each student from their own place of confinement.

We always conclude with a dialogue with the audience through a theater forum, but this year we couldn’t. However, we didn’t want to completely disregard the audience participation component, especially because the oppressions that came to light coincided once more with the essence of RAD (Reflection, Action, Dialogue). RAD was created by a group of students in Guatemala 2016 responding to the need to bring the debate about discrimination and racism created in Guatemala back to the university environment; today it reaches you in the form of a podcast.

But first, we want to share the definition we love so much that Radsters give to RAD:

It’s a community. It’s a movement. It’s a scream of hope to the world.
