Administration Lectures and Events
Student Academic Success Workshop (part 1)
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Sponsoring Department(s)
Academic Affairs
A workshop focused on addressing some of the issues about generative AI that were raised in the letter from faculty last May, specifically looking at questions about ethical use of generative AI and maintaining trust in the classroom by establishing expectations for use of generative AI. Workshop agenda: a. Instructional Technology staff will give a brief introduction to generative AI, show some examples of what it can do today, and talk about how the technology is evolving. The goal is to give context around what faculty might encounter this fall and into the future. b. Laura Taylor, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, will facilitate an interactive session with faculty and staff. During this session, we will discuss common concerns and considerations for teaching in time of AI, such as academic integrity, ethical uses of the technology, and its implications for student success. We will explore practical applications and pedagogical strategies for teaching and assignment design with the goal of helping instructors determine what approaches and policies regarding generative AI are the best fit for their classes and prepare to effectively set expectations with their students.
Recommended Citation
Bruess, Brian; Ice, Richard; Bacon, Pamela L.; Heying, Emily; Fink, Ashley; and Hoover, Carrie, "Student Academic Success Workshop (part 1)" (2023). Administration Lectures and Events. 104.
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