Youth Mass: An Assessment of Appropriateness

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Arts and Humanities | Religion


Michael Patella, Theology


Through the exegesis of five meal stories from Luke, Youth Mass: An

Assessment of Appropriateness critically examines whether or not it is suitable for a parish to plan and celebrate a liturgy based on the needs of a specific group. In this case, the group in question will be high school teenagers from the ages of fourteen to eighteen The five meal stories are: the Feeding of the Crowds (?: 10-17), the Story of Mary and Martha (10:38-42), the Parables of the Prodigal Son (15:1-2, l-32), the Last Supper (22:7-38), and the Road to Emrnaus (24:28-35). This discussion seeks to suggest that the theological themes presented in Luke's meal stories can be better expressed to youth in the form of a youth Mass than in the standard Sunday liturgy. These themes include; teaching on the kingdom of God, the revelation of Jesus' nature as a historical figure and the resurrected Christ, sayings on discipleship, and the offering of hospitality.
