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Business Administration, Management, and Operations


Jack Farley; Con Hamel


There is a potentially attractive market in Spain for computer software and services ventors. This market is particularly attractive because the country has made significant strides toward economic growth and stability. Spain's continued growth is essential to the country's economic competitiveness within the European Community. In order to achieve this growth, the country needs to fulfill their great demand for technology. This technology includes computer software and services and the American investor, in particular, has a significant market advantage. Spain holds a high regard for American computer software products. In 1990, the U.S. accounted for 53% of the software imported. The purchasers of computer software and services are the government, banking, textile and automative manufacturing, and small-to-medium sized businesses.

Before investing in computer software and services in Spain, it is necessary for the business to be well-informed of the economic, political, and cultural aspects. Spain is a unique country made up of seventeen autonomous regions which are guaranteed solidarity by the Constitution of 1978. Therefore each region has its own government, language, and customs. Many of these autonomies are very independent and demand more autonomy. Economically, Spain has made significant growth and sustains this growth through tight monetary and fiscal policy. Politically, Spain has a constitutional monarchy and a socialist president, Felipe Gonzales.

It is an opportune time for the American computer software and services vendor to invest in the Spanish market. The knowledge of the significant factors, such as the economic and political state and the cultures and languages are vital to a successful business venture. It is an opportunity for a low-risk venture, as Spain has a stable economy. The expertise of computer software and services companies is fundamental to Spain's competitiveness in the EC. It is a matter of choice and risk which if taken, has the potential outcome of a successful business venture, leading to direct access in the European Community for the American investor.
