Honors Theses, 1963-2015
Document Type
Publication Date
Mathematics | Statistics and Probability
Robert Dumonceaux
This project begins with the analysis of several existing lotteries in the state of Minnesota. The raw data of these lotteries are used to calculate the expected values of certain random variables in an effort to describe and compare the lotteries mathematically. Next, the different criteria that contribute to a successful lottery are described and brought together. Finally, via mathematical modeling and computer simulation, a new lottery proposal is presented with the claim that it is superior to existing lotteries from an administrative standpoint.
Copyright Statement
Available by permission of the author. Reproduction or retransmission of this material in any form is prohibited without expressed written permission of the author.
Recommended Citation
Bremer, Matthew Thomas, "The Statistics of Lotteries" (1992). Honors Theses, 1963-2015. 311.