The Effective of Caffeine on Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 max) and Lactate Threshold in Cross-Country Runners

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Life Sciences | Nutrition


Amy Olson, Nutrition


Caffeine has been part of the human diet for over 4500 years and is currently the most widely used drug in the United States and Europe (1, 2, 3). Caffeine and caffeine-like substances are found in beverages and foods, with the main sources coming from coffee, tea, cocoa beans, energy drinks, and soft drinks. Cold medicine, pain relievers, weight-control pills, and stimulants [such as NoDoz®] are all additional sources of this drug. Average daily consumption of caffeine is estimated to be about 75 mg/day/person worldwide; furthermore, average intakes in the United States and Canada reach 230 mg/day/person [equivalent to about 1.5 - 2 cups of coffee/day] (3). the general population typically uses the drug as part of their food intake for its psychoactive properties; athletes believe that it provides an ergogenic benefit to their performance, particularly in endurance exercise (1, 2).
