The Journal of Social Encounters has been described as “a venue in which we can encounter one other and build the common good together” (Okumu & Pagnucco, 2017, p. ii). In many ways, this description of the Journal mirrors what we endeavor to accomplish in higher education in the United States in general, and in Catholic higher education in particular. While our mission statements vary, and how we achieve the mission will look different on all of our campuses, there is widespread consensus that higher education provides a space wherein people can learn together for the good of supporting our nation and and the global community. In other words, education in the United States – both public and private – builds the common good both nationally and globally. There may be rampant disagreement about how one defines common good, but the core of the higher education enterprise in the United States is clear and compelling.
Recommended Citation
Hinton, Mary Dana
"Inclusion and Social Justice as Peacemaking within Higher Education,"
The Journal of Social Encounters:
Vol. 2:
1, 1-6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69755/2995-2212.1009
Available at:
Since August 28, 2018
Home > Journals > The Journal of Social Encounters > Vol. 2 (2018) > Iss. 1
Inclusion and Social Justice as Peacemaking within Higher Education
Mary Dana Hinton, College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s UniversityFollow
The Journal of Social Encounters has been described as “a venue in which we can encounter one other and build the common good together” (Okumu & Pagnucco, 2017, p. ii). In many ways, this description of the Journal mirrors what we endeavor to accomplish in higher education in the United States in general, and in Catholic higher education in particular. While our mission statements vary, and how we achieve the mission will look different on all of our campuses, there is widespread consensus that higher education provides a space wherein people can learn together for the good of supporting our nation and and the global community. In other words, education in the United States – both public and private – builds the common good both nationally and globally. There may be rampant disagreement about how one defines common good, but the core of the higher education enterprise in the United States is clear and compelling.
Recommended Citation
Hinton, Mary Dana (2018) "Inclusion and Social Justice as Peacemaking within Higher Education," The Journal of Social Encounters: Vol. 2: Iss. 1, 1-6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69755/2995-2212.1009
Available at: https://digitalcommons.csbsju.edu/social_encounters/vol2/iss1/1
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