Love Stern as Death: Benedictine and Cistercian Women in North America

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Arts and Humanities | Catholic Studies | History | History of Religion | Religion | Women's History


This article discusses the historical context of the arrival of Benedictine women in North America. It recalls the introduction of the female branch of the Benedictine Order. It also explores the emergence of misunderstandings between Mother Benedicta Riepp and Abbot Boniface Wimmer which forced her to appeal to Rome for a decision regarding the extent of her authority. It observes that the monastic identity of the Benedictine women had become ambiguous. It notes that three of the major identifying features of their European monastic tradition had given way to the exigencies of adaptation within a new cultural and religious context.


The full text of this article (and others published in the American Benedictine Review) is available via the Hathi Trust.

This article first appeared in Erbe und Auftrag 82:3 (August, 2006).
