Latino Politics in the Era of Bad Feelings

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The emergence of Donald Trump’s candidacy put Latinos in the national spotlight as undocumented immigrants were singled out as the cause of a number of economic and social woes. This was not the first time Latin American immigrants have been the targets of political campaigns. In many ways, the beginnings of modern-day anti-immigrant campaigns started in California in 1994, with the passage of Proposition 187. This controversial initiative was a significant factor that increased naturalizations and voter turnout among immigrants in the Golden State. Since then, the state that produced Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan has become a solidly blue state. In 2016, concerns over immigration have become a national issue as a result of Donald Trump’s campaign. What are the likely consequences of his campaign on Latino voters? Will this create a backlash among Hispanics toward the Republican Party? These questions, and others will be explored using the latest polls on the Hispanic electorate. The discussion will center on the short-term and long-term consequences of Trump’s campaign on the Latino electorate.

Adrian Pantoja is a Senior Analyst for Latino Decisions and Professor of Political Studies and Chicano Studies. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the Claremont Graduate University. His academic research is published in over three-dozen journals and edited volumes. As a consultant he has carried out research for organizations such as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the National Association of Latino Elected Officials, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the National Hispanic Leadership Institute and others. Dr. Pantoja frequently provides expert political commentaries for various newspapers, news magazines, television, and radio programs.

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