Peace Studies Conference Panel: Religion and the Environment

Jon Armajani, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
John Klassen OSB, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University


Moderator: Dr. Jon Armajani, Department of Peace Studies

Abbot John Klassen, St. John's Monastery: "Benedictinism and the Environment."

Abbot John Klassen, OSB is in his 23rd year as leader of Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville. He leads a community of 100 Benedictine monks who sponsor and work at Saint John’s University, Saint John’s Preparatory School, the Liturgical Press as well as other ministries in central Minnesota. He has long been interested in questions related to the non-violent resolution of conflict and was associated with the founding of the Peace Studies program at CSB and SJU.

Dr. Jon Armajani, Department of Peace Studies: "Islam and the Environment."

Jon Armajani, Ph.D., is Professor in the Department of Peace Studies at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University in Minnesota. His scholarship focuses primarily on the relationships between Islam and politics in the Middle East and North Africa, and secondarily in South Asia. He is the author of Dynamic Islam: Liberal Muslim Perspectives in a Transnational Age (2004), Modern Islamist Movements: History, Religion, and Politics (2012), and Shia Islam and Politics: Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon (2020). He co-edited with James E. Lindsay Historical Dimensions of Islam: Pre-Modern and Modern Periods: Essays in Honor of R. Stephen Humphreys (2009). He also co-edited with Wilbert van Saane Religion, Education, and Peace: Proceedings of an Online International Conference Held in March 2021 (2022). He is a coordinating editor of the Journal of Social Encounters, and has published scholarly articles and book chapters in his fields of expertise. He is currently working on a book entitled The Armenian Diaspora and Modern Political Systems: Religious and Ethnic Minorities in their Historical Contexts (2022). He teaches courses related to Christianity, Islam, and Middle East Politics.