Koch Chair in Catholic Thought & Culture Lectures

Forgiveness in the Service of Justice


Margaret Farley

Document Type


Publication Date



Ethics and Political Philosophy | Ethics in Religion


Margaret A. Farley was the featured speaker for the 2013 Koch Lecture. Farley is the Gilbert L. Stark Professor Emerita of Christian Ethics at Yale University Divinity School. She is the author or co-editor of seven books, including Personal Commitments: Beginning, Keeping, Changing; Compassionate Respect; and most recently, Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics. She has published more than 100 articles and chapters of books on topics of ethical methodology, medical ethics, sexual ethics, social ethics, historical theological ethics, ethics and spirituality, justice and HIV/AIDS. She has lectured widely not only in the United States but Southeast Asia, Africa, and Western Europe. As part of her visit, Farley also spent time in various classes at CSB/SJU. Farley's visit was sponsored by the Koch Chair in Catholic Thought at CSB.

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