Global leadership, cultural competence and the gospel music legacy of Sr. Thea Bowman

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The construct of global leadership is defined as the "process of influencing the thinking, attitudes and behaviors of a global community to work together synergistically toward a common vision and common goals." Throughout her life, Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA, dedicated herself to bringing people together through her energizing speeches infused with gospel music. Since her passing in 1990, numerous schools, centers, and institutes internationally have been named in her honor. In her role as English Department Chair at Viterbo College, Lacrosse, Wisconsin and as a consultant for intercultural awareness for the Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi, Sr. Thea endeavored to unite people of different backgrounds to achieve a common vision of mutual understanding, respect, and acceptance of one another. Dr. Deborah Pembleton expanded upon her presentation at the dedication of the Sr. Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center at Boston College. Dr. Pembleton highlighted the life of Sr. Thea and examined how Sr. Thea's life is aligned with the construct of global leadership and embodies the essence of cultural competence.


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