"Sigma Gamma Epsilon's W.A. Tarr Award: Honoring the Memory of William" by Larry E. Davis, Robert L. Eves et al.

Author Keywords

University of Missouri geology; Epsilon chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon; stylolites; cone-in-cone structures


In 1947, delegates to the 14th National Convention of the Society of Sigma Gamma Epsilon established the W.A. Tarr Award in honor of William Arthur Tarr (1881-1939) and the awards were made by active Society chapters in the spring of 1948. William Arthur Tarr was the first editor of The Compass. W.A. Tarr was a professor of Mineralogy and Geology at the University of Missouri from 1911 to 1939, during which he was the faculty advisor to the Epsilon chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon.



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